Saturday, July 22, 2006


I have again entered into the 'Designer Quest' competition. Judging is on Monday. The first time I entered I didn't get a place and nobody voted for my piece in the posters choice. Second time I entered I didn't get a place and 3 people voted for me in the posters choice. I'm hoping for more than 3 people this time. Here is my entry. Personally I am very happy with it.

As for my website - it is up but I'm not ready to show it yet. It needs a lot of changes made to it. I am very pleased with it though. Just need to make it look better.

Also met with Penel regarding putting the pendant design in the magazine. She loved the pendant and we put down the steps. I'll have to make up the steps for the pictures next. She also said she'd like to do more colloborative work, so that was very good to here.

The pendants I'm making with the discs from Stilletto Designs are almost done too. Hopefully something will sell soon.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Things are Moving Again

It's been a while since I updated and quite a lot has happened. Firstly, the web site is in motion. I found a man with the help of Marjo and he will do a wonderful job, I think. I have sent him all the logos and things and look forward to seeing what he does.

Marjo? you ask. Who is she? Well, apart from being my cousin, she is now, a part of the website, which will be called "Soulscape Artistry". This is going to be for a select number of Australian artists who will benefit from working together. Hopefully, sharing a web site will widen the range of people who see our work. I have spent some time setting up Marjo's etsy store. It is called "ClayGraphia". Hop over to the links and check it out. She really does wonderful work - Calligraphy and Clay. Ceramics with writing and carving. Really beautiful. She has just finished a six week exhibition and so is looking for the next step.

Also, finally have a new version of my banner has arrived. Not fabulous, but the 'Handcrafted Jewellery' is much clearer and so looks better. Here it is.....

There are two other things in the pipe line. The first is with Wendy from Guru Creations (see links). She has asked if she can put some of my work in her customer gallery. I was excited about that. The other thing is that I was asked by Penel of Fire Bird Beads (no website), to use her beads to design a pendant for a customer DIY kit. I have sent her some pictures of what she has done and wait to see her reaction.

So, all in all, things are going well. Sales are non-existant but I'm sure will improve as people look towards the gift giving season. I hope they do, anyway.