Monday, December 08, 2008

What a Wonderful way....

I was just over reading the forums over at Party Plan and one of the members (Esther) described her business like this. I thought is was a wonderful way to describe it.

Your Business is your seed, you decide how much food and water and sunlight you will give to it every day.

It will either flourish or wilt and eventually die.

It is in your hands.

Friday, October 17, 2008

making Jewellery. My Process Part 3

I still am really happy each time I look at how the turquoise set finally turned out. Here is what I did with the red beads.
This piece took hardly any time at all compared to the turquoise one. Because the original beads were from another necklace/bracelet set, some of the beads had single holes, some double. I wanted to use this in the design. I was able to do this by making the focus of the necklace two pieces of wire and creating a frame.

The frame was given strength by the beads that slipped over both wires and had interest because of the different shapes and placements of the beads. I used the basket wire weave to fill in the gaps.

The earrings have their shape because of the same reason. The bottom two beads have a single hole while the top red bead is a double hole. I love how they hang. I love the cross effect created. I love the colour combination. This pinky red looks so much better without the turquoise.

Again I plaited the strand so that the necklace can be worn long. My friend loves it. I showed her this one in much the same way as before. This time, immediately she saw it she lunged for to grab with and cried out as she moved, 'Oh I love it'.

I tell you, it feels great to have a reaction like that.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Making Jewellery. My Process Part 2

As the beads sat in their bags I mulled over the dilemma. What to do? At the time I was finding out more about wire work and was experimenting with basket weave. I thought I'd give it a go. In the end it worked. It took a lot of fiddling though. At first it sat wrong, the stone kept moving even when taped down. I didn't wrap evenly on the top and bottom. I added the beads at the bottom in a way that didn't work. I found that the frame wires sat a little better once I'd hit them with a hammer. It gradually took shape. It took, I think, 5 goes to get it right. It still wasn't quite centred but with some loops to finish of the wire it looked as though it had all been planned.
Once the pendant was done I had to work out what to do with the other beads. I hung it on tiger tail but it looked funny. The wire is so thin and the pendant so big. I ended up taking 4 wires and plaiting them together. My friend wanted it long so I took it into work and measured it on her.

Then I started on the earrings. At least now I had a design to match. Hopefully these would go easily. It took 4 tries to get the proper design of the frame wires. It is all one wire and it had to allow the bead to be seen while still holding it firmly in place. Finally, success. Cheers all round. Now just one more earring. Well, making it turn out the same size as the first was a challenge in itself. Three tries later and it was close enough.

Thank goodness I was using craft wire not gold!!

I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. It was so different to what my friend was expecting it took a bit of convincing but the lovely ladies at work oohed and aahed so much over it she was eventually convinced.

Here is the finished set. Oh yeah, I had some beads left over so I used them in the bangle. I love how it turned out.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Making Jewellery. My Process Part 1

About a month ago I finally finished a couple of sets for a friend of mine. She talked to me at the beginning of the year, could I help her. Her sister had given her a necklace and bracelet set. She loved some of the beads but the necklace was plain and the bracelet cut off her circulation.

I asked her if she had anything particular. She said that she didn't really but, 'could I emphasise the green more than the pink and could she have a necklace, bracelet and earrings please'. So with those instructions I set to work.

Well, setting to work for me means mulling. I set all the beads out. If I was to make a three piece set pretty much only the green beads, that meant I'd need to add things. Luckily, I'd just purchased some cheap turquoise cabs that were just the colour.

To keep costs down, I decided I'd use brass wire. I wrapped the large turquoise cab and started to string... and got completely stuck.

After some months of mulling, I took the beads with me to a bead day with friends and asked for help. This is the idea that they came up with.

Armed with these new ideas, knowing I could use the read and yellow beads for a completely different set, I happily went home.

I wrapped the small cabs and went about putting them with the beads for earrings. I put one together... and hated it. Perhaps I could work the necklace itself. That didn't go well either.

In the end I cut all the wires, put the turquoise set in one bag and the red beads in another and set them aside.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Setting Goals

I was reading through the posts on a new business help forum today called T.R.A.I.N. If you are interested you can read the entire post over at the forum by following the link. What I liked about the post were the goals that Henry has worked out for himself. I know goals are important. I also know I should be looking at them every day. I do struggle with this. I liked the simple way these are set out. Hopefully you find them helpful also.

I also listed 11 Goals to Reach on my first page to read and see every time I opened my Journal. Those goals are,

1. Visualize your future and goals for business daily.

2. Write down goals to reach and how to do it successfully.

3. Write down ALL weaknesses to the business and how to overcome it.

4. Accept and believe compliments and give up excuses and "I can'ts."

5. Change all "I can'ts" to "How can I do it?"

6. Start acting "as if" the business existed today!

7. Ask and answer all "what if" questions you may face and put in journal, (including personal fears & how to answer them).

8. Accept fear as just a feeling, and do it anyway.

9. Write out all ways you can be a service to others.

10. Write down thoughts about your business in journal often.

11. Look for ways to volunteer help to others regularly.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

If You Fall Down Seven Times Get Up Eight

In the spirit of learning through quotes of wise people, here is a quote for today.
Every Failure is a Step Closer to Success
People who try to do something and fail.
Are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
Experiencing failure is inevitable on your journey to be successful.
Every defeat is merely an installment to victory.
You'll find that the number of times your succeed is in direct proportion
To the number of times you fail and keep trying.
You won't be judged by the number of times you fail
But by the number of times you succeed.
Failure is nothing but education,
Nothing but the first step to something better.
You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.

Max Steingart

It has taken me a little while to get myself moving over the last two weeks. I prepared for my home show. I invited other artists to show their wares, invite those they knew. I printed flyers, sent email invites, talked to people. Over two days, around 12 people showed up. The four of us made a total of $510 in sales. Admittedly, two of the four of us sold nothing and I sold the most but still, I count it as a failure.

So I have licked my wounds and now I am back. Failure is but the first step to something better...provided that I learn the lessons. And so I will work at ways to make the next one better. I will again begin focusing on my OurGV business. I move onward and upward. Most of the teaching in todays OurGV training was about not giving up. Taking the falls, leaping towards the possibility of failures so that the successes can start to come.

And if you have run successful home shows then leave me a comment and tell why they worked.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Two Things that Made My Heart Soar Today

I love the moments that come when something beautiful comes along. That happened to me twice today.

This first was a quote. I don't know who originally said it. If you know, then let me know and I'll acknowledge them here.

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.'

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

The second was a link to this video. As a musician I learnt. As a person I got chills.

Monday, March 31, 2008

I've Been Reviewed!!

The people at Etsy DUST blog have reviewed my etsy site. They said I was great. Go check it out.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Importance of Friends

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of spending the day with some beader friends. We chatted and shopped and beaded and laughed. We gave advice when needed for projects and talked about different experiences we'd had.

We gals have only met each other once before in real life. Most of our talk has been through forum boards. What a boost it is to spend time with friends who are encouraging and excited about life. A day like this gets the juices flowing and the enthusiasm bubbling. If you are feeling sluggish, have a day with some friends you know will lift your spirits.

Here is one of the suncatchers I made that day.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Way to Live Life

I found this video on U-Tube. It is titled, "5 Ways You Can be a Better Leader". This is true, but if you don't particularly want to be a better leader, then these 5 points will also help you be a better wife, husband, friend, mother, aunt.... the list is endless. These 5 points can help you be a better person. Enjoy. It's by Dr David Weiman from Weiman Consulting.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Joy of Learning

From the time I was little I have loved learning. I have spent many hours listening to my dad talking about what he had learned that day in his reading or studying. He always had this intensity and sense of bursting excitement when he was talking like this. As someone who was made to end his schooling at age 12, learning for him was an undeniable passion. When I graduated from university with a Bachelor of Music Education he didn't attend. He was over in South Africa attending his own graduation. He has a Bachelor of Theology. Pretty cool, don't you think.

What I am enjoying in my 'learning about business' I have begun in the last few years, is that many people seem to be talking about integrity, morality, team work and generosity. Perhaps it is not new but my impression of those in business has always been one of greed and selfishness, the large feeding off the small.

It was a joy when I picked up the book Wombat Selling at the bookstore one day. This was more my style. I loved that it recognised the intelligence of the buyer and the fact that the buyer is the one in control of the sale, not the one trying to make the sale. The networking groups I was involved in at RYZE also promote the respect of others. I have learnt a lot from there. In my previous post I shared an email that was sent by Scott Zimmerman who I learnt about through Perry Marshall. Perry Marshall and his assossiates are people who love to teach and realise that business is best when you are helping those around you benefit. Helping others succeed brings you success. This is one of the principals talked about in 'The Secret' that made such a buzz recently.

Well, now I am a part of Many of the same principals are applied and taught by the leaders of this company. One of the things we are encouraged to do is to read the blogs written by the CEO Mr Chad Shapiro. The entry I read today prompted me to write this. You can read the full post here. I will share a few snippets that made me go 'yeah!!'....
Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to stay there. To achieve our potential as a leader we need mental and moral strength. The leader must set the example...

and this one....
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.

The post end with this little gem...
Genius is nothing but an aptitude for patience. Success is ALWAYS attainable when defined correctly, that is the effort to do the best you are capable.

If you're struggling with motivation for your business at present and feel in need of a boost, I encourage you to read the entire post and let your inner Genius breathe.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Being a part time teacher and tutor means that while I earn, everythings ok but as soon as holidays hit the income stops. Working part time also cuts down on my superannuation payments and I'm very conscious about the need to build a nest egg. This need is partly what set me on the search for online jobs. Over the last couple of years I have signed up for schemes to try and newsletters and groups to see what is out there and to find what will work for me. Some of these are mostly hype and some only send out 'buy this and all you problems will disappear' letters. Some people send out what I refer to as 'helpful sales letters', letters that have a product but still help me in my learning journey.

Here is one such letter I received the other day from Scott Zimmerman. He has given me permission to post it here. First, here is his blurb....

Dr. Tony Alessandra and Scott Zimmerman founded Platinum Rule Group to make the philosophy of “Do Unto Others as They Want Done Unto Them!” a standard business practice.

When you learn how to treat others the way they want to be treated, interpersonal tension disappears, trust rises and relationships flourish.

Through our books, audio/video programs, customized e-zine, corporate training, speeches, assessments, and database/communication technologies, we strive to improve our world by helping you master The Platinum Rule®.

To learn more, visit our web site:
And here is the letter:
Debunking the Myths of Mentorship

by Scott Zimmerman

I’m writing this article to share some insights about mentorship that I hope will help some of you accelerate your growth journey. In hindsight, I see how I wasted so much time because of faulty assumptions I made about people. My mind was making conclusions based on poor beliefs and I’d like you to learn from my mistakes.

The first myth is that highly successful people are unapproachable, standoffish, snobbish and/or too busy to lend you a helping hand. My experience has been the exact opposite!

I used to believe that authors were “gods” simply because they were my heroes. I’ve never idolized athletes, movie stars or rock stars, but authors and thought leaders were huge in my mind. When I started my first business in 1989, I began reading every type of book I could find on advertising, marketing, sales and entrepreneurship. I never stopped reading! I was amazed at how much knowledge these authors had accrued and how well they could teach me through their experiences.

Then in 2003, I read a book called Relationship Selling by Jim Cathcart. It completely changed the way I interacted with my current and prospective clients. The information was so valuable to me, I called the author (dialing that phone took guts!) to thank him. I left him a voicemail and to my surprise and delight, he called me back a few hours later! I had one of the nicest conversations I’ve ever had, although I was quite nervous.

That phone call debunked the first myth. Mr. Cathcart—who is a hugely successful author and public speaker—not only returned my call, but took a true interest in my ideas and my business. I told him how I had applied his ideas and how they had helped me sell my new contact management system.

Mr. Cathcart ended our conversation by sending an email to his best friend recommending that we talk about combining my technology with his psychology, and on December 23, 2003, I had my first conversation with Dr. Tony Alessandra!

Again, Tony was incredibly successful, yet took plenty of time to talk with me and exchange ideas. During the next year, Tony took me under his wing and gave me tons of great advice about people skills (his Platinum Rule book is amazing!), marketing, selling (his Non-Manipulative Selling book is a classic) and improving my technology. Eventually, we became business partners, but he still is—without question—my most important mentor.

Second myth: Mentors and those being mentored are on different “levels". Aristotle, Plato and Socrates knew what they were doing! They understood that learning accelerates regardless if you are the teacher or the student. Swapping both roles and information enriched both people.

Tony Alessandra and Jim Cathcart are perfect examples of shedding titles, roles and pride for the purpose of accelerating growth. When they met, Tony was an expert in marketing and Jim was a polished public speaker. They became the best of friends and “co-mentors” for each other. Jim helped Tony improve his speaking skills (he must have been one heck of a teacher; Tony and Jim were inducted into the Speaker’s Hall of Fame together in 1985) and Tony helped Jim with his marketing. Each used their particular gifts and talents to help the other shore up a weakness and the results speak for themselves.

The third myth is: Mentoring is a one-way street.

I am currently being mentored by Tony, Jim, and Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, and other brilliant, successful thought leaders. I can assure you that I learn incredible things from each and every encounter!

However, I’ve come to a recent realization that they, too, have much to gain by investing time with me. All of them are my clients and I’m privileged to help them with positioning, branding, one-to-one marketing and leveraging communication technology to grow sales through my Cyrano system.

Tony helps me with focus, speaking skills and business challenges, Jim is a genius in the area of “relationship intelligence” and Charlie is my spiritual mentor. I owe them all more than words could ever say. THANK YOU!!!

Final myth: Mentoring only occurs when two people exchange information and ideas.

I have received invaluable mentoring from people I’ve never met! People mentor me through their books, their articles, their audio programs, their movies, their shows, their blogs, and the list goes on and on!

Many of my mentors have long passed on, but their ideas continue to shape my thinking as I read the words they wrote. Tremendous Jones has taught me to read biographies; it is amazing how much can be gleaned from the thoughts and deeds by Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and the like. I still love reading books by Og Mandino (one of Jim Cathcart’s mentors!), Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and Norman Vincent Peale.

Here is a short summary (copy and paste this paragraph, then email it to your “attention span” challenged friends): Everyone is approachable. The more successful they are, typically the nicer they are! Mentoring relationships can occur between any two people, regardless of either level of success and/or knowledge. Mentoring is not a one-way street; quite often the person who starts off as the mentor learns just as much from the person they are mentoring. Lastly, change your view of mentoring. You can be mentored from anything (not just people): Books, seminars, articles, etc…

In closing, I wanted to brag a little on my main mentor: Dr. Tony Alessandra. He recently appeared in a new movie called The Power of Mentorship and they just now released the DVD. Tony stars along with great leaders like Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond and Vic Johnson. This movie explores eight proven laws that accelerate every growth journey. If interested, please click here to purchase copies for yourself and all those you wish to mentor.

Toward your success,

Scott Zimmerman, Managing Partner

Platinum Rule Group

If you found this encouraging let me know. And you never know your luck I might review those books for you at some stage.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Organising Post Archive

In the light that this blog will now cover more topics I have started adding labels to each post. At the moment these labels simple say 'jewellery' if the post is about my jewellery business, 'business learning' if it is about any of the things I am involved in that relates to learning how run my business. Another label is 'designer quest' for pieces entered in that competition, 'pictures' will lead you to all posts that contain pictures. I will add more labels as things appear like 'OurGV' and 'competitions' when I enter into more. 'General' means it's just housekeeping or chit chat. If you need more detailed organisation I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, with the new year comes a new determiation to make this blog work. I posted very poorly last year. Yes, you may scoff but I will do my best to post regularly in 2008.

I intend to change this blog's focus somewhat. It is difficult for me to focus this blog so narrowly on my jewellery business when that is only one facet of my working life. Each week I am a teacher, a tutor, a beader, a small business owner, a crafter and a student. I am going to incorporate all of these in my blog. I am building a business with my jewellery but it is only part time. I am building other things part time also.

Hopefully I will be able to organise things so this is not too confusing. I will see how I go. Keep an eye out. I'm going to be learning heaps and I hope to keep you up to date.

So all the best for you all in 2008. I hope you have as great a time as I'm intending to have.